Today, a fourth grade teacher shared with me an email she had received from her daughter that is currently living in Japan. I wanted to share this with those who would also appreciate and relate!
The email read...
Ok so picture this scene. PLACE- the bowling alley. DATE- St. Patrick's Day. There are three women their bowler names are Bowlin Beth, Trish Dah Irish,and Mad Bowler. Bowlin Beth has a green shirt with a green bowtie. Trish Dah Irish has green capris on with a green, irish golfer looking hat, and Mad Bowler has on a mad hatters hat, a green shirt, clover necklace, a pin, etc. Mind you they are fully dressed, but these are the highlights. Every time they do well they are cheering, and just having the best time. They asked me to take their picture I said, sure and asked, "Are you teachers?" They said "Yes, How did you Know?" I said, "Well, I am a teacher and my mother is a teacher, and teachers have the best fun." I got the biggest kick out of them. Mind you they looked ridiculous, and were acting quite strange to the eye, but they did not care. These are the reasons I love being a teacher. It made my day. I know you will appreciate this.
Hope this email reminds you of all the reasons it is great to be an educator.