Thursday, January 31, 2008

Working For The Weekend


With a deep sigh of relief Friday is finally here... I know that I have not been very faithful to updating my blog page. I just finished an assignment due for this week and since I am not eager to get up from my seat I thought I would update my blog page while I'm at my computer. So let me take a moment and explain why I am not so eager to get up. Well, let me begin by setting the scene of the accident. On Tuesday, at 1:10 CST my fourth grade students and I are getting ready to head outside to the portable where our guidance classes are held. As my class lines up we head out into the extremely cold and out of the ordinary windy conditions. I drop off my class and head back to classroom which is almost beside one another.

As I approach my outside door I trip, lose my balance, and do not have time to gain control. Down to the ground like quicksand I went. It happened so fast that I did not have time to brace my fall. I hit the concrete so hard that I removed several layers of skin from my entire right kneecap and have severely sprained my left ankle. While, laying on the sidewalk I realize no one is coming by to help me and crawl back to my door and pull myself up enough to unlock the door. I fall into the door and lay in the floor in anticpation that my assistant is soon coming. Thank goodness! As she comes in she panics and immeditely went to round up the nurse, assistant principal and custodian. They all thought it was broken so I called home and mom came to pick me up. The doctor says it could be a hairline fracture. Anyway, I am now on crutches with a foot swollen the size of a hot-air ballon. I truly work with a great group of people. Many children in my class are those of teachers and/or assistants and text message me to make sure I was okay since I did not get to tell them good-bye. The staff has bent over backwards to assure that I am comfortable and taking care of myself. I have worked on crutches for two days and must say if it's not going to snow I'm ready for a weekend.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Wishing You All The Best In 2008...

Enough Happiness to Keep You Happy
During the year may you have
Enough happiness to keep you sweet.
Enough trials to keep you strong.
Enough sorrow to keep you human.
Enough hope to keep you happy.
Enough failure to keep you humble.
Enough success to keep you eager.
Enough friends to give you comfort.
Enough wealth to meet your needs.
Enough enthusiasm to make you look forward to tomorrow.
Enough determination to make each day better than the day before.
Dear Friends,
I wish you the best throughout the year 2008. You deserve health, happiness and love. I feel truly blessed to have the friends in which I do and be able to keep in touch with those friends that life's journey has taken miles away. So as a new year is ahead I wish you a "Happy New Year."

Happy New Year
Happy New Year
If it didn't bring you joy just leave it behind
Let's ring in the new year with good things in mind
Let every bad memory that brought heartache and pain
And let's turn a new leafwith the smell of new rain
Let's forget past mistakes making amends for this year
Sending you these greetings to bring you hope and cheer
Happy New Year!