Thursday, February 7, 2008

Something Blue? Something Pink? Definitely Something New!

I am proud to announce a new addition to the family coming September 2008!

As many of you know this week has been a rough week for me with spraining my ankle, coming down with a cold, and being overwhelmed in homework. Although, things turned upside down today as good news was announced when I arrived home. Mom met me at the door and told me to call my aunt right away she needed to speak to me. I asked her what about and she replied, "she wouldn't tell me, just call her right away." As I dialed the number mom was peeking through the doorway to make sure I called right then. I immediately thought how odd. My aunt anwsered the phone and began to tell me she had some news to share. As I asked her about what she told me "you're going to be a cousin." I didn't tell her but I thought really "whose having a baby?"

I am proud to announce that after eight years of marriage my aunt and uncle are expecting their first child. Krystal is now two months pregnant. Steven and Krystal are very excited about this new journey that is sure to change their lives. Please keep them in your prayers as they embark on this new step in life. I am really excited because our family has not had a baby around since I was one, twenty-five years ago.


Lindsey said...

aww that is so exciting summershea! except i feel like you should be an aunt instead ha :) we can still call you aunt summershea cant we?

Wadsworth Family- said...

I am so excited! Tell Krystal I said congrats,Baby's are such a blessing. Amanda

Jeremy and Lacy said...

How fun!!! I know that you and your family are so excited!

The Lankford Family said...

Yea! Tell Krystal congratulations and I will pray for her and your family.